School Organisation
There are presently 355 students and 50 staff, including class teachers, specialist teachers, learning and teaching leaders, learning and teaching classroom assistants, administration staff and support staff. There are fourteen classes – two at each level from Prep to 6.
The facilities include fourteen learning areas, Pioneers Multi-purpose Hall, Evodia Discovery Centre and specialist teaching areas . The current specialist areas are Physical Education, Music, Art, Technology, and Reading Recovery.
Principal | Brendan Gill |
Deputy Principal | Heidi Chapman-Foehn |
Student Diversity & Arts Leader | Frederik Zeinstra |
Religious Education Leader | Nicole Marevic |
Student Wellbeing & Mental Health Leader | Gill Baxter |
Literacy Leader P-6 & Co Teacher | Lynette Sciberras |
Mathematics Leader P – 6 & Co Teacher | Renee Cassar |
Family Engagement in Learning Leader | Eliza Katz |
Classroom Teachers | |
Prep L | Jacquie Lumsden |
Prep O | Christopher O’Reilly |
1S | Suzanne Sciberras |
1M | Michelle Sepe |
2H | Monica Hughes |
2G | Daniela Granata |
3T | Cecilia Tran |
3P | Daniel Powell |
4M | Nicole Marevic & Franca Tiziani |
4W | Kate Wills |
5C | Elise Casamento |
5M | Claudia Mattas |
6T | Nicholas Tresize |
6R | James Rietmaier |
Specialists | |
Digital Technologies / Robotics | Christine Roberts |
Physical Education | Ian Miller |
Strategic Literacy Support | Melinda Evans |
Music Teacher | Jenny Marshall |
Strategic Learning & Teaching Prep | Eliza Katz & Jenny Marshall |
Strategic Learning & Teaching Yr 1/2 | Leonie McCarthy |
Visual Art | Joanne Butler |
Reading Recovery | Julie Whatman |
Italian Teachers | Jane Gilmartin & Mateo Maccio |
Community Kitchen | Jane Gilmartin |
Evodia Discovery Centre Manager | Bernadette Fenech |
EDC Assistant & Vietnamese Parent Liaison | Thi Phan |
Burmese Parent Liaison | Ruth Hlawn Ceu |
Learning Assistants | Alexandra Rossi |
Amanda Nguyen | |
Cherie Saad | |
Debra Shaw | |
Marita Debattista | |
Mary Debrincat | |
Rosemary Cremona | |
Rosemary Romeo | |
Suzanne Scaramozzino | |
Suzy Asmee | |
Administration & HR Manager | Kerrie-Ann Macuz |
Student Administration | Sandra Attard Borg |
Finance Administration | Errica Mastrilli |
Finance Administration Assistant | Jackie Neves |
Canteen Manager | Marita Debattista |
Canteen Assistant | Rachel Gilmore |
Maintenance | Joseph Tabone & Danihers |
School Psychologist | Sarah Judde |